Congregational Care and Community Outreach
The Congregational Care and Community Outreach Committee is focused on ministering to our congregation and outreach to visitors and to the community. The purpose is to maintain close contact with the entire church membership to develop a spirit of fellowship and love within the congregation. We want to assure members that they are cared for at every age and circumstance in their lives. We also want to grow our church congregation by reaching out to visitors and to the community.
- Chair – Lynn Horton
- Co-Chair – Mary Wendorf
Hospitality and Fellowship
The Hospitality and Fellowship Committee plans the congregational monthly luncheons, the last Sunday of the month, and partners with the Congregational Care and Community Outreach Committee to plan, promote and support Community Outreach Events (ex: food for Fall Festival).
- Chair – Mary Wendorf
- Co-Chair – Lynn Horton
The Trustees oversee the investment strategies of the Church.
- Chair – Bob Weigle
- Stephanie Montgomery
- Art Horton
The Finance Committee has responsibility for preparing the Church’s proposed budget each year, in connection with each committee, and arranges for the annual audit of all church accounts.
- Chair – Art Horton
- Bob Weigle
- Stephanie Montgomery
Nominating Committee
The purpose of the Nominating Committee is to provide candidates for approval by the Session of Fair Play Presbyterian Church as needed for Elder or other vacancies.
- Chair – Lynn Horton
- Co-Chair – Dan Wilson
- Sandi Moffat
- Lois Davis
The Property Committee oversees the policies and use of all church property, including all improvements and additions to church property, as well as maintenance of church property and equipment.
- Chair – Dan Wilson
- Co-Chair – Tawna Rogers
Cemetery (Sub-Committee of Property)
The Cemetery Sub-Committee is responsible for the overall management of the Fair Play Presbyterian Church cemetery, including maintenance of the grounds as well as maintenance of all records.
Safety (Sub-Committee of Property)
The purpose of the Safety Sub-Committee is to establish and maintain policies and procedures to keep our congregation safe when presented with certain emergency situations such as severe weather threats, medical emergencies, and terrorist threats.
Mission/Service & Outreach
The purpose of the Mission/Service & Outreach Committee is to provide a ministry of compassion and support to those in need, both within and beyond our local community, through our own personal involvement; through charitable organizations; and through our support of faith-based organizations who provide food, shelter, or Christian ministry to others. Learn more.
- Chair – Brucie Kessler
- Co-Chair – Cindy Weigle
Worship and Spiritual Formation
The purpose of the Worship and Spiritual Formation Committee is to oversee the Worship services of Fair Play Presbyterian Church, as well as to plan and promote special worship services and to oversee the proper observation of the Sacraments of Holy Communion and Baptism. The committee also provides oversight to the Music Ministry, the Children’s Sunday School, and provides support for Men’s and Women’s Bible Studies.
- Chair – Tawna Rogers
- Co-Chair – Mary Wendorf
The Stewardship Committee plans, promotes. and leads the annual stewardship program.
- Chair – Cindy Weigle
- Co-Chair – Brucie Kessler
Human Resources
The Human Resources Committee has some of the same functions of a Personnel Committee or Human Resources department in other organizations. The committee’s primary responsibility is to work with staff so that the mission of the church is realized. Clear understanding of our church and prayerful listening to God’s direction will guide both the development of job descriptions and the evaluation and support of Pastor and Staff.
- Chair – Lynn Horton
- Co-Chair – Dan Wilson